Vintage Style - In Camera

Nikon released a new mirrorless camera model a few weeks back, the Z6III, the upgrade to my current camera, the Z6II. While I'm not particularly drawn to this new camera (faster processor, better autofocus, better video), I discovered the ZF camera with 90% of the features of the Z6III in a retro camera body. That retro styling gets me every time! I had a serious case of FOMO, my thoughts filled with this gorgeous camera with metal shutter, ISO, EV dials on the top of the camera. But time tempers the desires of the flesh and now I'm determined to make the most out of my Z6II.


I viewed more videos on the Nikon ZF and learned about the gamut of picture controls available, viewable via the EVF and playback. Think of a picture control as a style of colors and saturations, akin to film days, also very similar to a "Filter" on Instagram. There are the standard picture controls like Landscape, Vivid, Portrait and Black and White. Then there are 20+ additional special picture controls like "Dream", "Demin", "Spring" etc. The user selects the picture control style and voila, it is viewable on the camera's EVF and back screen. I learned this feature is available on any Nikon Z camera! When you import into Lightroom, that special picture control is automatically applied. Of course the picture control style can be changed in Lightroom since I shoot in RAW. But seeing it as you shoot it is a nice feature of a mirrorless camera. My default picture control is Vivid but thinking about changing it up to a more vintage version, which I did today while taking this photo of a Coneflower in my front yard - I used the "Dream" picture control. In Lightroom, I cropped in tighter and added a vingette - that's it!


Sweet Dreams


I’ve come to the conclusion that the advantage of the ZF over my current model boils down to autofocus capabilities. I do struggle with shooting groups of people - only one person ends up tack sharp with the others kind of soft. Probably my error or due to the full frame sensor and depth of field but maybe I am missing something. More research needed!

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