Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July's Cool Start

I’m making a concerted effort to visit the Japan house tea garden at least bi-weekly, and I visited yesterday. I sat meditating on my surroundings on a perfect morning. Cool, dry and sunny on the first of July, manifesting spring vs summer but I’m relishing it. I take several photos, still focusing on shadows in contrast with light.



I'm challenging myself to observe my surroundings using all my senses. I hear the scuttling of squirrels scaling trees around me, eyeing me as a potential source of cast away food. I also heard the rhythmic chatter of pond frogs surfacing from water’s edge when I arrived. I’m sheltered in dappled shade, morning light rims the leaves of the Japanese maples around me.


Outside the tea garden I encountered Bell flower / campanula in bloom, a serene ocean blue color with a delicate scent.


I’m sitting on a large slatted, flat, wooden bench that provides no back support but it allows me to expand physically and figuratively. I originally sat in the lean to area towards the front of the garden but felt it very constricting. I prefer the expanse of this seating space. I am hit in the head by a Maple seedling, dispatched to the ground by the wind. I look up and see pairs of the pods clustered amidst the leaves. Of course I take out my camera and hopefully I captured their lacy wings, tipped in the faintest peach color.


Update, those photos were meh but I got other keepers - like these delicate reeds edging the pond:


An inviting path:

Walk this Way


A follow up to post on the YouTube video on the present state of music - Rick Beato posted another commentary stating young people don’t want to practice to learn an instrument, they rely on the tools to make up for their lack of mastery. Shudder. But what caught my eye was one of the comments regarding social media:


“Social media has become a cheap substitute for real life experiences.” People would rather watch someone else’s talent or experience vs doing the work themselves. It’s far easier to be entertained for 60 seconds and get your dopamine hit after hit after hit, the problem is you only consume and never contribute or better yourself. Understandably, hard work is just that - hard.


So, seek ways to keep growing and learn new things. Eventually, what starts off as hard eases into accomplishment and a sense of enjoyment.


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