Monday, September 11, 2023

The Daily - September 9, 2023 - Saturday

Went swimming - 30 laps, then 40 minutes on the bike and a 30 minute yoga class. It’s a bit chilly and I’m wearing a long sleeve shirt outside for morning coffee.


Scott took Charlie on her morning walk, returning to find our next door neighbor starting a roof replacement. So more unusual activity in our cul de sac!


Scott and Charlie also spent time in the garage fashioning up a replacement attic access panel the solar installers broke yesterday.


I took Charlie on a walk after lunch - we went to Porter park. I watched a butterfly gathering nectar in the prairie flowers. The sun came out so we took a short break half way through the walk and rested in the shade.


End of Summer


End of Summer


After our evening walk, we spent time playing ball and meandered to Jill’s backyard to chat with her. Hannah and Louie joined in. Jill’s two kittens stared at us from the confines of the house. Charlie got up and greeted them at the sliding door (with a screen between) which elicited a big cat arch / hair on end response from Luna. Lucy was quite chill during this encounter.

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