Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Daily - September 7, 2023 - Thursday

I awoke this morning vaguely recalling the dream I was having. If I dwell on it, I start to recall bits and pieces until it all comes into clear view. I was dreaming Scott and I were swimming in a pool. I didn’t recognize the location (this is on par for my dreams).


Thursday is a swim day, so maybe the reason for the dream. Who knows. I biked for 50 minutes before heading to the pool where I swam 25 laps. 20 minutes in the sauna afterwards. I’ve been getting up 20 minutes later than “normal”, probably due to the darker mornings - morning’s first glimmer of light doesn’t creep in until after 6am now.


While preparing this morning’s coffee, I got distracted by prepping eggplant slices in the oven. I had 3 eggplants to cook - the fruits of my container garden. This time I used the big oven and decided to try out the oven setting called “Fast Convection” and it did not disappoint! I found it similar to our toaster oven sized air fryer. I coated the eggplant slices with olive oil and baked for 25 minutes. I grated parmesan cheese on the roasted veggies and baked another 5 minutes. The end result was very tasty. Then I made the Boursin / tomato creamy sauce for noodles and ate it with my low carb noodles - delish!


Went to see Colin Jost, a comedian performing at a local venue. Jill and I arrived early to walk around campus before meeting up with the rest of our party. We settled into our seat and waited. And waited. 40 minutes past start time, an announcement was made - the performance is “postponed” for tonight due to “weather impacting the performers ability to travel”. What??? We couldn’t find any bad weather on the North American map…. Oh well, we went to Sun Singer and enjoyed time with our friends - Jill, Marjorie, Janelle and Gayle.


Erica arrived home while I was out so I was greeted by her and Charlie. She will be driving to OK for a wedding this weekend.

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