Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Daily - September 6, 2023 - Wednesday

We got rain as storms passed through during the very early hours - the froggie rain gauge measured 2”. We’ve received just the right amount of rain at the right time - the grass hasn’t gone dormant this year. (we refuse to water it).


I did a 30 minute bike boot camp workout followed by some additional biking and a short yoga class focused on the deep squatting pose, Malasana. I’ve been working to improve my deep squat to keep the hips mobile. Scott and I went on a walk but didn’t see any water fowl.


I had my hip pre op appointment with my local physician and she cleared me for the procedure. Things are moving along as planned.


I cooked up the zucchini pasta sauce and while it was good, it wasn’t “mind blowing”. Honestly it was a lot of work to prep the zucchini slices so the work to what you get ratio is a bit high.


I enjoyed another afternoon walk through Porter park and I spent some time walking backwards. My lower back pain has improved these last several days. I also did my water color painting standing up today, something I’ve been avoiding (the standing up part).


Louie and I closed out the last minutes of daylight outside watching the sun go down. Its golden rays cast halos on the flowers and leaves in the garden - very ethereal. It’s dark at 7:30 now, a bit foreboding since I tend to go into hibernation mode once the dark hits.

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