Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Daily - September 5, 2023 - Tuesday

Or, Tuesday that kind of feels like a Monday


Even though I’m not working, my schedule still follows a Monday- Friday rhythm especially around my daily workouts. Yesterday’s Y closure threw off that schedule. So two strength classes and swimming today. I would normally go to a yoga class but know I’ll be too tired from the swimming.


Instead of yoga, Scott and I grocery shopped and now I’m outside having a late morning coffee. Clouds have rolled in and there’s a chance of rain. While it is temperate and comfortable, the little midges are finding me and those little suckers bite hard. In an attempt to thwart them I put on a rash guard top and moved to a breezy spot on the patio - at the pond’s edge. I can watch the bees and other pollinators move from flower to flower. This is not a bad way to enjoy the late summer.


I went for my noon walk around Porter park and the breezes transformed the long prairie flowers into a sea of golden water. It was super beautiful. I can feel small changes as we start to transition into fall and that inspired a haiku.


Lithe winds swirl, sweeping

Across a golden prairie

Precipice of fall


Faint twinges of red

Subtle signs of season’s change

Murmur through the trees

Like water


KK stopped by to deliver goodies from St. Louis. She was there this weekend visiting Vivek and Brian. Brian brought them to IKEA, the Missouri baking company and Trader Joe’s so he bought our favorites from those store. Vivek just moved there and lives close to Brian so they are hanging out together and planning on working out / going to the gym together. I think this is wonderful as having friends to socialize with is so important for one’s happiness. Brian already has local friends so an additional one he can lean on for accountability is great.

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