Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Daily - September 16, 2023 - Saturday Games

I didn’t sleep well (because I'm not used to eating and socializing after 7pm) and considered reducing today’s workout but thought how I should focus on the fun I would have / how good I would feel after and that got me out of bed and to the pool.


En route, the sky took my breath away - inky blue cloud layers were tipped with deep red - the start of a vivid sunrise. I can see parts of the sky via the large windows at the pool and watched the sky turn fiery shades of red and pink as I completed each lap. I swam faster than my recent paces which felt great. I’ve been discouraged by my recent swimming performance so this was encouraging.


After 30 laps I went home and knocked out a 60 minute endurance ride followed by a 5 minute cool down and 10 minutes of stretching. No joke, I was very hungry after all of it so I deviated from my normal routine of having coffee first and then preparing my morning meal. Instead I made coffee and a huge breakfast and enjoyed it all at once. We had to leave by 10:30 to get to the Illini football game so I was short of time anyways. It all worked out great.


It was perfect football weather - a little warm to start but with a breeze. By half time clouds tempered the heat of the sun. I wish the Illini offense played better but the game was against strong Penn State, so we didn’t expect a win. We left at the end of the third quarter.

I spent the rest of the day finishing up laundry, checking in on Janice’s cats and watching football. I was super tired and retired to bed around 8:30.

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