Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Daily - September 15, 2023 - Friday, Enjoying Small Things

Up early for 5:30 Pilates class then off to Peoria to get Lexi serviced. It’s a 90 minute drive and I’m not sure it’s really worth it. I will admit the customer service people are very nice and helpful. But I had to wait two hours for a simple tire rotation and inspection. I’ll probably go to the dealer at the more critical mileage milestones like 50, 75 and 100K. I’m sure I can arrange for good service locally.


I was super hungry after getting the car back so I did the easy thing and hit the close by chick fil a. At first glance of the drive through line, I thought I was in for another long wait but that restaurant runs like an oiled machine!


Once back home, I enjoyed my home made chicken strip salad then went to check in on Janice’s cats.


Scott arrived home and enjoyed his unexpected chicken strips. We went for a walk, enjoying the perfect weather - we saw butterflies and the Big Blue Heron in the slough.

Start seeing Butterflies

Nancy texted our group for an impromptu gathering / crappy happy hour. We each brought what we had - dips, cheese, olives, crackers, wine and wow, “food just happened”. We enjoyed a couple hours chatting and unwinding from the day / week. I am so very grateful for my group of friends.

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