Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Daily - August 30, 2023 - Wednesday

Did a 30 minute bike boot camp workout (arms focus) then added on 15 minutes of biking and 10 minutes of stretching. I went back to the clinic for lab work only to find the orders have still not been processed. Oh well, I will continue to wait. It’s cool and breezy outside drinking coffee on the patio with Louie on my lap. It feels like fall.


The doctor’s office got the lab order into the system around 1pm and I went to get my X-ray completed. Feels good to be on track with these preparations. Since I have to be fasting for the other tests, I’ll go tomorrow morning.


I took an evening walk and bumped into running friend Chris D who is married to Sandy L. We shared trials of getting old and the ailments stemming from it. He’s not able to run right now due to an unexplained condition that has him scared (his words). Not being able to run is “killing him” (again, his words). He’s working with a doctor to figure it out and I appreciated his candor with me. Heck, I don’t remember the last time I saw Chris yet the connection between hardcore distance runners runs deep. I empathize with his situation. I invited Chris to our Friday runners gathering and hope to see him there.


Photo from our last runner's gathering in mid August. Hoping to get these going on a regular basis.


Runners Unite!

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