Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Spring Blossoms - Early Magnolia and Crab Apples

Warmer temperatures and longer days bring on Spring's fleeting show of blossoms - cherry blossoms, flowering crab, magnolia, pear and other flowering fruit trees burst with fluffy petals that create a beautiful landscape. We started "sakura watch 2022" two weeks ago, monitoring tree branches for bud formation and progress. Early to bloom trees like magnolia and some crab apples kept us occupied while we waited for the full explosion of Sakura blossoms.

More to Come






Stand Outs

The photos above were taken early last week, before I had to leave town, and here is what the official sakura branches looked like:

Patiently Waiting


Of course, the Sakura burst into bloom the day I left town. I'm back now and hope to get out to see them before the show fades away.

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