Friday, May 28, 2021

Big Blue Heron Visits

We live near a watershed system consisting of various waterways and retention ponds. The systems foster healthy aquatic ecosystems, attracting fish, turtles, frogs and water fowl. One resident is a stately great blue heron who wades in the creeks and can be seen flying gracefully across the sky.


I was enjoying the perfect weather outside on Sunday afternoon when I saw the Blue heron flying barely above the roof lines of our house and alight atop my neighbor’s roof. Then he took to the sky again passing overhead. I felt lucky to have observed such a close encounter.


Imagine my surprise when, later that afternoon, my husband announced the blue heron had landed in our backyard. Our backyard fish pond certainly attracts birds and mallard ducks but never a great blue heron! He didn’t stay long, but that prompted me to stage my camera nearby “just in case”. Big Blue (named by my husband) did return to check out the fish pond and that visit allowed me to take these photos:

Big Blue Checking out the Pond

About to Fly

Such a magnificent creature! Now we can't help but spot him flying overhead. Maybe he will continue to visit. Note that our fish pond contains basic goldfish and we're not attached to them like we might be with koi. So if Big Blue wants a snack, he is welcome to one!


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