Friday, June 30, 2017

Along My Run | 25 - Spring into Summer

It's been a while since I posted about running. After my Ultra at the end of March, I cut back on running in April. The Ultra must have taken a harder toll on my body than I realized - I lost my motivation to run and when I did get out, I labored through what I consider an easy pace. It wasn't until the end of April until I got my running mojo back, so maybe there is truth to the adage that runners need to take a day for each mile after a race.

I've continued to run a mix of road and trails, although my longest distances have been on the trail. I've turned into one of those trail converts as the road feels hard and pounding now.

April - May Running 2017
1. Spring is in the air, 2. Reversal, 3. Golden Glimmers , 4. Off Season , 5. Take Nothing for Granted , 6. I Found Snippets of Trail Out Here , 7. Illinois Marathon Day! , 8. Kicking It This Morning y, 9. Sunday Runday Perfection , 10. Somebody's Watching Me , 11. 50th Birthday #Run Group , 12. The Last Curve

I turned 50 at the end of May and celebrated it with a 50 minute group run. Afterwards we enjoyed post run goodies- cinnamon breads, scones and coffee. My birthday fell the Friday before Memorial Day, and each event that weekend continued the celebratory vibe.
My Running Friends Help Celebrate my 50th Birthday!

On Memorial Day, I coordinated another group run out on a new trail that turned into an adventure. Due to our wet May, the trail was muddy and overgrown with portions under water. At the first water hazard (huge knee deep puddle across the trail), we found an alternate way around. We were feeling pretty trail-tough when we ran up to a small waterway crossing - with no bridge to cross! The footbridge had been moved to the bank, presumably due to flooding. No one wanted to climb down the 6 foot bank into water of unknown depth. We opted to turn around at that point and attempted to run the course backwards. We got lost three or four times. What was supposed to be a 7 mile loop ended up being 9 discombobulated miles. Still, we had a great time. In true trail running fashion, we enjoyed some treats at the end of the run - strawberries, almond butter on wheat bread, fresh scones and cold water.
Before We Got Lost - Trail Buddies

In mid June, I volunteered as a race marshal for the Countryside 10k race sponsored by my running club. In addition to marshaling duties, I became the official race photographer. Even though the race starts and ends at a nice park, the course winds through country roads with very little tree cover. In the warmer months, I like to start my runs very early (like 5 or 6am), so this race, with its 8am start, was a scorcher. Another reason for me to take photos instead!

On and On
It's Called the Country Side 10K for a Reason

Second Wind Countryside 10K Race
Alex, The Overall Winner 35:57

Second Wind Countryside 10K Race
Robyn, the Top Female 42:45

Second Wind Countryside 10K Race
My Running Friends

Cow Bell Winners
Age Group - Cowbell Winners

Second Wind Running Club
Second Wind Running Club Representation

The end of June means 2017 is half over! Here are some running stats for the first half of the year.
Total Miles - 805 (I just hit that on this morning's 14 mile run)
I'm too lazy to calculate my average pace right now - I know it is slower than previous years due to the number of trail miles I now run. I should track my road miles separately I guess; something to consider for the second half of 2017.

So what is up for the rest of 2017? I am considering a fall marathon (Indianapolis Monumental Marathon) and maybe a half marathon in Arizona with some friends. In October, I'll find out if my lottery entry into the London Marathon was accepted (Several of my running friends entered with me and we've decided to go if picked).

As always, I feel blessed to be able to run the distances I do and I am grateful for my running friends who make it fun. Happy Running!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday! That's a lot of miles for just half of the year! I can see how you needed some time off after all that. So cool that you were a race photographer. I bet all the runners loved their photos--the ones of the winners are great!
