Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Running, Lately

This is for my family and friends on the East Coast who have been hammered with snow this past week.

We got a surprising amount of snow almost a week ago. Surprising because the two days leading up to the snow were quite warm and sunny.

I'm running in short sleeves! I'm wearing tights but could have gone with shorts that day.

Then the snow came last Wednesday, in big flakes that stick to everything and make the trails particularly beautiful:

I braved the icy highways to get to this particular forest preserve, but I knew the running experience would be worth the drive. I hadn't had an honest to goodness run in snow all season long. The snow wasn't easy to run through, but the scenery was fantastic, just like a snow globe.

The trail winds around these waterways that are normally hidden from view. The snow reveals all that you don't notice.

I hit the same trail on Thursday night, the snow illuminated by the silvery glow of the full moon. There's a local group that does these Full Moon Runs - I rarely participate, but each time I have gone, it's because there's snow on the ground.

By Sunday morning, all the snow had melted away, like it had never happened. I'm glad to have gotten out in it while it was still around.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Shirley, and it sure looks like a beautiful place to be!
    Happy Valentines Day.
