Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Kane The Thoroughbred

I wrote several months back that my daughter had decided to sell her Appaloosa horse, Caesar. At the time, she was trialing another horse, but we weren't sure this new horse, Kane, was the one. An examination with our vet identified some breathing issues with Kane, so I thought we would pass. As it turned out, even with his breathing issues, Kane is a good fit for Erica at this time.

Cross Country with Kane

Cross Country with Kane

He's a thoroughbred and quite larger than Caesar.
She's been working with him in Dressage. I believe this summer they will start to compete in various equestrian events.

Dressage Clinic

Dressage Clinic

I am happy to report that Caesar is doing well with his new family. Erica visited him over the holidays and although she mentioned he was looking a little chubby, that's actually good as he had always been on the skinny side.

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