Monday, April 4, 2016

Fleeting Spring

fleeting (adj) ....passing swiftly; vanishing quickly; transient; transitory

spring blossoms bring bursts of color from the dormant ground
buds emerge from barren branches
color abounds

before lush greenery fills the branched air
the magnolia, cherry blossom and sakura create a veil

petals rain down in the warm breeze,
a fleeting spring,
alive from the ground and in the trees

Lace Over Water

Has Spring Sprung?


it is not a metaphor for life? enjoy it while you can.


  1. This reminds me of Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay. Definitely a metaphor for life.

  2. Wonderful words for these beautiful photographs, Shirley.
    I was really, really enjoying the beginning of spring. Then, we got 8 inches of snow!!! And it's sooooo cold.
    Happy day to you!

  3. Both poem and photos bring me visions of spring even though it's snowing here in Breckenridge. Thanks, Shirley!
