Friday, February 12, 2016

The Prairie Fields - Rest And Heal

Some photos I captured walking around the prairie last Saturday - the bright sunshine tempered the brisk wind, although it felt more like March than February.

Not in a Rush

Normally, I spend my Saturday mornings running - it is my designated "long run" day, but not last weekend. The previous Monday, I managed to strain my quad in yoga class while stretching it (aggressively) - the muscle "popped", then hurt and I knew that was trouble.

Put Your Hands on Your Head

Nevertheless, it has all turned out fine. I foam rolled / massaged the muscle and resulting knot, put my leg into a compression sleeve, elevated it, and (most importantly) simply rested it. Normal walking wasn't painful, but descending the stairs served as a reminder that all was not normal. I was mentally ready to take 3-4 weeks off, because the reality is unless you take the time to heal, the injury will always linger and make you pay later on.

Lead Me There

Somehow, on Friday afternoon the pain simply no longer existed. I could still feel the knot on my quad, but no other remnants of the injury.

I felt it prudent to give it another day, so I substituted a long swim in lieu of my normal long run. And added a leisurely walk around the prairie with my camera. The following day, I ran 3 miles without any issues.

Single Experiment
Photography note - I shot the above photo using the "back button focus" technique, something a little different for me and technique I will continue to practice.

So, what did I learn? One - to take it easier on the stretching in yoga. Two - 5 days off from running, interval training, yoga and my normal intense activities forced me to reset. I should take breaks like that more often. Three - the body is an incredible machine, never to be underestimated.


  1. Gorgeous photos! I had no idea it was possible to stretch to the point of injury! Glad your rest paid off and all's better now.

  2. Glad you're on the mend. I love the brown tones of prairie photos. I haven't tried a back button focus. Not sure what that is but now I'm curious and will have to check it out.

  3. These photographs are really beautiful, Shirley.
    I am so glad that you healed so quickly.
    Take good care of you, and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Shirley, I have no idea what back button focus is. I'll look it up. Your photos are marvelous. I also popped a muscle (calf) late Jan. I'm still resting it though I've started to walk distances of about 5 miles. I can still feel some tightness on uphills. Don't want to reinjure!

  5. Beautiful photos! It is good that you took some time out to relax and recover. Happy Valentines! xx

  6. Sorry to read of your injury and hopefully a short lived respite from your routine. Great shots from your walk.

  7. Gorgeous depth of field in those images, Shirley!

  8. I only had time to run , replacing it with another seemed difficult . Nice photo Shirley , I dont know the "back button focus " technique. Maybe later would ask someone who understands about this . then try to practice .
