Monday, November 16, 2015

Along My Run | 19 - Perfect Fall Weather

There's so much to love about October - the leaves start to render their colorful coat, the air is fresh and crisp and the warm sunlight casts a perfect glow. It's my favorite time of year for running - most days are warm enough for shorts and a tee shirt but cool enough to be perfectly comfortable while crunching through the leaves.

We were spoiled this October. It's been dry and warm. I've got a group of friends to share my Saturday long runs with, and I've convinced several others to run with me in the dark during the weekdays.

October Running - Perfect Fall Weather
1. Daydreamer, 2. Fall Perfection , 3. Instead of Running the CM, 4. Big Sky Morning , 5. Nothing But Blue skies , 6. Pop! , 7. Under the Canopy, Enjoying Our Fall Run, 8. Hello From the Outside

October Stats:
Distance: 135 miles - my biggest monthly run volume of the year, just shy of my 2014 max.
Average pace: 9:23 minutes / mile

I didn't train for a fall race, but my running friends were training for the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon, so most of my Saturday runs were in the 15-17 mile range. I had deferred my entry to the Chicago Marathon, felt (slight) twinges of remorse as I tracked my friends running on race day. My goal is to run it in 2016 with a bunch of friends in tow. I just need to convince them to sign up!

This month's running quotes:
Running isn't forced. You have to relax and let the run come out of you.
– Desiree Linden

Setting goals requires gazing way out at the horizon of your life. But once you set your course, most of the time your awareness should be on the trail under your feet.
– Lauren Fleshman


  1. A great collage of shots, Shirley!

  2. You certainly seem to have had some beautiful weather for running! I hope that you have enjoyed it with no pressure of an upcoming event. xx

  3. Love all of these photos! 135 is really serious mileage, especially considering you weren't training! Also nice that you have friends to run with on the dark weekday mornings. I wish I did!
