Monday, October 19, 2015

Along My Run | 18 - Working My Way Back

Although it has been a while since my last running update, I have been actively running and ramping the miles up.
After completing a spring spring marathon, the sins of training while slightly injured caught up with me and I took 6 weeks off from running.
Then we went to Kauai for a family vacation, which marked my slow return back to running. I got spoiled by the scenery, the sounds and smells of paradise - my runs were carefree and fun, just like the vacation itself.

Upon getting back to Illinois, the reality of high humidity and the heavy, oppressive summer haze punctuated the rest of July. I decided to defer my 2015 Chicago Marathon entry to next year. While I could have buckled down to complete the training cycle, my head just wasn't "in the game". That decision took the pressure off and I ran because I wanted to, when I wanted to, whatever distance I wanted to and got back to the simple enjoyment of the run. That's not to say that every run was easy - I really dislike heat and humidity!

Along My Run - July 2015

1. Running in Kauai , 2. Yesterday's Post Run Yoga , 3. Hazy Shade of Summer , 4. So Humid Outside, 5. The Fog Reveals All, 6. The Mystery, 7. A Little Solitude to Start , 8. In the Calm , 9. Turned Upside Down
July Stats: 58 miles, 9:38 min/mile pace

August started with a weekend trip to Michigan and ended with more humidity. I slowly increased my weekly mileage (without getting injured!) and had my first 100+ mile month since April.
Along My Run - August 2015
1. Moon Setting, 2. Rise and Shine , 3. Red August, 4. Let the Water Calm and draw you In, 5. Falling slowly, sing your melody I'll sing it out loud. , 6. Oh I Can See You Now, I can see the love in your eyes, 7. Won't Focus, 8. Today's Finish , 9. Bright Spots
August Stats: 113 miles, 9:35 min/mile pace

September heralded in slightly cooler and drier conditions.
Along My Run - September 2015
1. Trail run today, 2. Running in the Shadows, 3. Transition , 4. See Through to the Mist, 5. Promises for the Day Ahead, 6. Standout Still , 7. Morning Glory, 8. Wait For It, 9. Renegade
September Stats: 119 miles, 9:40 min/mile pace

Some running quotes to share:
The battles that count aren't the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself–the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us–that's where it's at.
– Jesse Owens

Running is a thing worth doing not because of the future rewards it bestows, but because of how it feeds our bodies and minds and souls in the present.
– Kevin Nelson

I run because there's no better way to see the sun rise and set.
– Amby Burfoot

I totally agree....


  1. Your images are beautiful...almost a reason to start running. For me, no, I'm a walker. But getting outside, however you do it, is so restorative.

  2. Good for you, Shirley! Take me along on your runs, will you?

  3. Glad to hear that you are enjoying getting back into it. You have seen some beautiful things along the way! xx
