Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Five Randomness

It's Friday and this Friday's Five contains random snippets from our lives.
  1. I encountered a fellow runner Thursday morning while I was out walking. We only know each other very casually through some mutual friends, but we pass each other frequently while running. She came upon me and slowed down enough to inquire “Not running?”, to which I replied “No - injury”. She threw up her hands and declared “Oh, I HATE injuries” and proceeded to provide encouragement like “Oh, you’ll be back before you know it…. Take your time to get healed up properly“. And that is what I love about the running community.
  2. The Girl turned 18 this week. Eighteen. Which means (in Illinois), she can legally purchase cigarettes and lottery tickets! She is no longer bound to the various driver’s restrictions (number of people in the car and curfew). But she still struggles with reading a map and navigating unfamiliar areas.
  3. Her Senior Year
  4. Our cat, Louie gave us a scare Wednesday evening, when we thought he had been let outside and was nowhere to be found. We searched high and low, even enlisting the help of neighbor friends. At 9pm, I figured he was going to be out all night long (and I was not going to get any sleep worrying about him) when he sauntered up from the basement, looking groggy. We had searched the basement previously, so who know where he goes and hides himself! I swear, his stealth mojo is super strong.
  5. Trouble Maker #cat #siamese #catsofinstagram #blueeyes
    So Cute, Such a Troublemaker
  6. I had an unexpected trip to Chicago - I had to drive to O’Hare early Tuesday morning to pick up Scott and the Boy after their flight home was canceled Monday night. What craziness - there were storms in the area that impacted flights leaving O'Hare for a couple hours, but the little puddle jumper from here to ORD simply goes back and forth, so I'm not sure why it got canceled. With their flight canceled they were left stranded - there were no available hotel rooms, no rental cars and not even a guarantee of getting on a Tuesday flight.
  7. I don't like celery, but my friend, Jill, left me with a bunch of celery sticks. I don't like throwing perfectly good food away, so I did some research and learned that celery can be used in fruit smoothies. The best part - you can't even tell it's there.
Fresh and Frosty #smoothie
Can't Taste The Celery in the Final Product

I'm looking forward to the weekend! I will probably drive back up to Chicagoland with my friend and our boys to celebrate one of her boy's birthdays. Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

Shared with Five on Friday


  1. Five great things!!! Especially the way to use up the spare celery! Makes it even better if you cannot taste it! Happy Birthday to your daughter!!! Very exciting to turn 18!!!! I hope that your injury does get sorted very soon, how kind of your fellow runner to be so encouraging! Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  2. Oh I feel for you with the injury. I can't run either at the moment, I need to see the chiro but can't get in until thursday! I hope you are back running soon. Walking is good though. Happy birthday to your girl, its a milestone thats for sure. Have a great weekend.

  3. Wow!! Celery in smoothies is a great idea! Especially if you can't taste it! I'm like you - I can't waste food so that's a great way around it. I find that really ripe fruit is great in a smoothie too as it is full of flavour and avoids waste. Hope you have a great weekend, J9 x

  4. You are now the mother of a legal adult! Sorry to hear you have an injury. The kitty doesn't look like it has a naughty bone in its body...

  5. Oh boy - 18 - so much freedom and still just a babe in the whole scheme of things. Heal (sorry you are suffering an injury) and I know the story so well about a well hidden cat.

    Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

  6. Hmm...celery in my smoothie. I've never thought of that! I guess it would be high in fibre and contain a lot o hydration too. And no real flavour. Perfect for adding nutrients and minerals for good health!!
