Thursday, April 16, 2015

For the Birds

My husband recently relocated the platform bird feeder so that it sits less than a yard from the back of the house, conveniently situated close to the living room windows. He also bought and filled it bird seed, an important element to attracting birds to the feeder (yeah, obvious, but something I just never seem to remember to do, LOL!).

I like my new photo set up!

Dinner Conversations

This set up also attracts birds to the pond.
Bath Time

Of course, the cats love their new entertainment package.
Cat TV


  1. Great views of the birds and definitely some good viewing opportunities, both for you and for the cats. We have something similar at our cabin and I love the entertainment that this provides.

  2. The picture of the cats watching cracked me up. Do they do that chattering when they're watching? Sometimes mine do. This year I want to buy a hanging bird feeder to reduce the chances of the feral cats getting them if they're on the ground eating.

  3. @Jenn - oh, they definitely do the chattering thing. Not sure why cats make those noises - I would think it would scare off the birds.

  4. Your photos are so clear and crisp....but the one of the cats made me smile. I miss having a cat!

  5. Fantastic pictures!!! So funny about the cats sitting and watching the birds! xx
