Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Thinking Out Loud

No reference to Ed Sheeran's latest hit, even though it's on repeat in my head. And I don't really like the song that much, other than the melody (lovely) and his live performance at Sunday night's Grammy Awards (awesome). My reason for not liking the song is that it is destined to be the upcoming wedding season's cliche. It's the same reason I didn't like Sara Bareilles' I Choose You.

But I AM Thinking Out Loud this evening, trying to type something coherent while the cat vies for my attention by walking on the keyboard. So why does he ignore me when I'm doing nothing on the couch? Cats....

I have an obsession with rain, I love the sound of it even if it's not real rain:

The video clip is snow melting off a park shelter, falling like rain off the perforated roof. These are the crazy things I am attracted to after a long run (probably because I'm not thinking too clearly).

Which reminded me of the time this past summer, after the morning's run, I was cooling down in my backyard with some yoga stretches when the storm-threatened sky released the rain. It fell slowly at first - you know - those fat drops that dot the concrete - before accelerating into a curtain of water. I merely continued my stretches in the rain, then realized I was being watched - the people who moved into friend Kellie's house were peering out at me, "that crazy woman doing yoga in the rain". I make a great first impression....

Thinking about the Grammy's, I admire and secretly covet Madonna's legs. I guess it's no longer a secret now...

I'm a tiny bit jealous of all the snow Massachusetts has received, although I'm not sure if I would like it in reality. Six feet of snow sounds like fun. In reality, it's probably too overwhelming.

Some recent remnants of snow in the front yard:

So, no snow here and we had a true taste of spring this past weekend - so much so that I washed the car with the garden hose and hosed down the garage floor. Dare I say, maybe the ground hog was wrong? Is it Opposite day?

Aren't you glad I decided to Think Out Loud?

Yeah, don't answer that....

Edited to add - this link takes you to a video of Ed Sheeran's Grammys performance of Thinking Out Loud, also featuring John Mayer on the guitar. US Weekly Magazine Online - Ed Sheeran Video


  1. I enjoyed so many of the Grammy performances. Madonna's was not one of them and I thought her costume was awful. Ed Sheeran's performance was really really good and I think his song is beautiful. I did not expect to enjoy Annie Lennox but thought she knocked it out of the park. We had a big rain over the weekend, our hills are green, and I know the wildflowers will show up soon. Yay.

  2. I love that snow-on-grass shot. Be careful what you wish for - 6' of snow is A LOT!

  3. Love it and I bet your neighbor also thinks "what dedication". Perhaps our neighbors (who we like very much) have your same attraction to rain. They used to mow the yard (at an alarming rate), including in the rain. My daughter is so over the snow. So over it! Yet today she sent several snow pictures and admitted she still finds it beautiful. (the fact that the school had finally plowed a path helped).
    Think out loud - I do it all the time. :)
