Friday, February 13, 2015

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

My daughter, a senior in High school, applied to four colleges. She’s been accepted to three so far, and the last school (University of Illinois) is expected to release their decision letters / notifications today. Based on her grades and test scores, we assume she’ll be accepted there (but you never know!). Then starts the decision making process. Scott and I would prefer she stay local, but not because we expect to ever see her during the semester. With her horse, Caesar, it makes sense for her to be close by. But it’s not our decision to make.

I am seriously considering entering the New York City Marathon Lottery. This is not a guaranteed race entry – lottery entrants will be picked via the lottery which occurs on March 3. It is estimated that less than 20% of the lottery applications are selected for the race. This is the same process I took last year when I entered to run the Chicago Marathon. The main difference is the percentage picked – for Chicago, 40% of the lottery entrants were selected. I have until Sunday, February 15 to decide!

We decided to book a family trip to Kauai, Hawaii. Scott and I planned to go to the island on our honeymoon nearly 23 years ago, but Hurricane Iniki changed our plans - this hurricane hit Kauai the day before we got married. We spent our honeymoon exploring Maui instead. We always said we would return to see what we missed and we'll get our chance this summer.

I was scheduled for an early workday start on Tuesday morning and I decided to take my phone with me into the plant after I caught pink steam rising above one of the buildings. I think it ended up being a good decision.

Early Bird Day #work #goodmorning #sunrise

The most pressing decision of the weekend will be.... how to spend our President's Day Monday holiday! It's Chinese New Year, so I will be making dumplings. It's going to be great.

Are you off for President's Day? Regardless, I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. After reading the book A Race Like No Other, I've always been obsessed with the NYC Marathon! It just sounds like an experience of a lifetime. Awesome that you will be going to Kauai! We have only been to the Big Island (and loved it) but would love to explore the other islands. Dumplings for Chinese New Year sounds great! One of my good friends always fills me in on the different Chinese years and makes her annual goals around them (she has a feng shui consultant who helps her)--last year was the Year of the Horse, which she said was fast-moving and you should take advantage of all the opportunities that come by quickly. I think she said this year is the Year of the Sheep, but she hasn't told me what to expect yet.

  2. Dumplings sound delicious. Several years ago I went to a Chinese New Year dinner and have never forgotten the feast with hot pots of chicken broth, meats and so many good things to cook in the pot, seasoned oil, and oh my goodness! I want to go to someone's house again for that same feast.
    Beautiful colors in your photo :-)

  3. You will love kuaui! It is a beautiful island, although not very touristy.... Very quiet, the garden island. Great ofshore boat tours though to see the cliffs.

  4. Ohhh, college decisions. Options are good until they aren't. After visiting Univ. of Chicago I would have put money down on it being the winning choice - but that last visit to Wellesley and some serious "come to Jesus" discussions about WHO Allyson is, put Wellesley one up.
    Kauai is so worth the trip back. It's been many years, but I remember it fondly. (great place to ride horses as I recall).
    And wow - what a gorgeous morning.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. I like watching the NY Marathon on tv. Running it would be awesome. Your daughter is a lucky young woman - she has some big decisions to make. It's good to have lots of choices.

  6. It sounds as though you have lots of good plans and big decisions ahead, I hope that everything goes really well! xx

  7. I remember telling the kids there was more than one right choice when picking a watercolor and oil paint...both good but different. Mine both picked Wheaton College, just 2 hours from here. It was an excellent choice...and the start of many changes...all good!
