Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Rut

Confession time – I’m in a photography and blogging rut. I’m just not “into” it. I guess I should qualify the photography comment – I’m in a “formal” photography rut, ie, I’ve been neglecting my “big camera”. Looking at my flickr stream, it’s been over a month since I’ve uploaded anything from my DSLR. There are photos on my camera card I haven’t uploaded – photos from before Christmas.

I’m just not into it (gah, I never thought it would be this way). I need inspiration – normally found in something pretty and glittery outside (hello, where is this winter’s snow? Why does the North east get all the fun?). And I’m tired of my usual standby of flowers in winter.

I obviously need a kick in the butt, maybe a photography challenge. Maybe I just need to get outside at sunset (which, unfortunately, falls during dinner prep time). Maybe I need to drive to the local park and see what is revealed to me.

Or, I could be satisfied with what I’ve been capturing on my iPhone. After two months with the iPhone 6, I think I've gotten used to the new camera. I tend to take photos while I’m out running, but I’ve snapped a few randomly here and there:
Fanned #clouds #sky #enjoyillinois #goodmorning

Contrasts and Textures

Or, I can trust that this lull will soon pass, that I will find inspiration again.


  1. Shirley - I hit the preview button & my comment disappeared - so hopefully you don't get 2 of these.

    I've gone through the same feelings about my photography. Maybe after doing POTD for several years I just got burned out. But I'm really trying to share more of my images these days.

    I enjoy seeing your photos & blog posts a lot. I hope that you do continue to post. Once I stopped blogging on a regular basis it has been very hard to start up again.

    Besides all of the photo opportunities outside you could also try going to an aquarium or museum to switch things up a bit. That's always a challenge.


  2. Last year I fell into a deep photography (and blogging) rut, which was extremely difficult to claw my way out of. I tried to think of a challenge but I had already done a 365 Challenge. It didn't help that I had been restricted due to 2 surgeries in 2013 and 2 more scheduled surgeries in 2014. The more I thought about it, the more I stressed.
    One day, I just took my camera on a drive to the local parklands and photographed something I had not photographed for a very long time... flowers with my macro lens! The next week, hubby and I drove into the mountains and took some rural and waterfall shots.
    I think my biggest problem was that I lost my confidence in my abilities... I'm still not back 100% as I'm only 8 weeks into my post op rehab but I have been out a number of times over the last few weeks.

  3. @ Laurie -
    Thanks for the encouragement! Glad to hear I'm not alone in these lulls. I noticed you started posting again on Instagram - looking forward to seeing more.

  4. It will - take your camera out for a walk and see if the juices start to flow. Ruts are part of the package when it comes to photography.

  5. @Liz - thank you for sharing your journey and faith. I love all of your images, so I know your abilities are still there! I agree that I just need to take some time to explore the local parks - somewhere I haven't visited before.
    Wishing you well as you continue to heal and strengthen.

  6. Maybe you need to travel for the inspiration in a new place--good excuse for a trip. :-) Though I really like these two--especially the clouds.

  7. I go through phases as well. And sometimes (a lot of times) my photos for my 365 prompt are pretty lame, last minute and rushed. But Spring or a good dumping of snow may come along soon ... Inspiration is just around the corner. ;)

  8. It certainly looks as though you are getting to grips with your camera, they are beautiful pictures!! I hope that your rut works itself out and that you are feeling more photo and blog happy. As spring arrives perhaps you will feel more like getting back into it. Take care in the meantime and we will await your return as and when! xx

  9. I think that's something we've all felt. I think new scenery, season changes, all provide new inspiration for us. I want/need a new camera and/or lens. I'm on the fence about a mirrorless or continuing down the Nikon path. What to do, what to do.

  10. I like when you photograph simple everyday things - you don't need something big and inspiring. Sometimes it's the iPhone and sometimes the Big Girl camera. Just click your way out of the rut.
