Friday, January 2, 2015

Along My Run | 11 - Dark December

The winter solstice, dark mornings and evenings, constant cloud cover and no snow made for a dark month, one quite different from last year's icy and snowy December. While I don't miss running on ice, I do love running in snow and miss having it around.

December 2014 Runs

1. That Time Of Year , 2. Full Moon Run on the Buffalo Trails, 3. Dancing In The Wind , 4. May We Get to See the Sun Today, 5. Through the Pines , 6. A Picture Perfect Day. I couldn't pass up a Run

The darkness and constant grey skies didn't present many unique running photo opportunities, hence this month's small collection (disclaimer - one was taken after a yoga class, but too pretty not to include). I also came down with my yearly December head cold-flu illness, which took me off the streets for about a week. Unfortunately, that week's hiatus meant I would miss my 100 mile goal.

December Stats: 88.9 miles, 9:11 minute / mile average pace

Memorable run: my first full moon run trail run. The local running club has a group that runs an old Buffalo trail each month during the full moon and I finally got to one. After several rainy days, the clouds cleared off just in time for our group to see an orange moon rise. As it climbed higher into the sky, its bright light illuminated the prairie and forested path (although I really could not see much when we were in the woods!). Hopefully, my schedule will permit me to attend future Full Moon runs.

As always, here is a collection of running quotes that inspired me this month:

For me, as for so many runners, there really are no finish lines. Runs end; running doesn't.
– Dean Karnazes

The more I run, the more I want to run, and the more I live a life conditioned and influenced and fashioned by my running. And the more I run, the more certain I am that I am heading for my real goal: to become the person I am.
– George Sheehan

Every day is a good day when you run.
-Kevin Nelson

A Good Day, Indeed


  1. While I am not a runner, I can appreciate your desire to want more. The moon lit run sounds fun and a little scary (Murphy's Law and I go way back and if there was a chance to twist an ankle on a bump in the road - I would do so with vigor with the trail being lighted by the moon).

    Happy New Year and Happy Trails to even more accomplished runs in 2015. (also, your January calendar from the last post is lovely.)

  2. Well done, I hope to get my running going after my son gets healthy and well again.

  3. I hope that you enjoy a great new year of running! xx

  4. The full moon run must have been an amazing experience!
