Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Senior Photos - The Best Friend

A is one of my daughter's best friends. They've attended the same schools since the first grade and became great friends in middle school.

Morning in London
Visiting London, June 2013

These two young ladies traveled to France and London together, even attended Lollapolooza last summer - they've shared so many adventures together, and I loved taking her Senior photos.

Senior AB

Senior AB

We got really lucky with the weather - our original plan was to take photos on Sunday, but with a predicted high of 50 degF and high winds, we postponed for a day. Monday turned out to be just perfect - mid 60's with autumn's golden afternoon sun.

Senior AB

I won't post the outtakes, but I will describe one of my posing fails - I instructed her to swing her head around in an attempt to create motion with her hair (you know, like those shampoo commercials for "full-bodied hair"). Never again.

The static pose is simpler.
Senior AB


  1. lovely shots and what a wonderful gift for both of these girls to have this very special friendship

  2. You managed some amazing pictures with great light and a very lovely subject. I think the ultimate trick with senior portraits is to have fun with it and it sounds and looks like you all did.

  3. Great photos and what a lovely friendship too. xx

  4. Lovely photos of a lovely young lady. I love how personal the senior photos are, as compared to when I was that age. You did a great job and I'm sure it was special for her too.
