Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Five - Gratitude

Well, I sort of dropped off the face of blog-land these past two weeks.

We received less than optimal news related to my hubby’s job and I’m feeling very unmotivated and lazy to write anything or take photos. In reality, our situation is manageable and not cataclysmic – there are many worse situations within my circle of friends, so I can’t complain. We’ll get through just fine.

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving, so in the celebration of the season, I am listing five things I am grateful for this November:

  1. Great Health – something we tend to take for granted.
  2. College tests, applications and acceptances – my daughter has been accepted at Michigan State and is still applying to other colleges.
  3. Good friends – whether near or far, web-based or not (I don’t want to use the term virtual friend, as they are as real as it gets), the support of friends conquers all.
  4. Ample resources – in the US, we have access to so much.
  5. Warm, cozy socks. I’m partial to Smart Wool socks. Unfortunately, my kids love them too and my daughter takes mine all the time, leaving me with cold, cotton socks. Fortunately, I recently received a coupon for a 20% discount. I hear they make great stocking stuffers....

And a photo to share - a kaleidoscope of colors, one of the first photos taken with my new iPhone 6!

Kaleidoscope in Flight #color #art

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  1. Add perspective to that list - you have a healthy perspective to what is going on and sometimes that is half the battle. Wishing your family a very special Thanksgiving and congratulations to your daughter on her acceptance at Michigan.

  2. Good gratitude list...I know the struggles with employment first hand...I hope things work out. This gloomy weather isn't too fun is it? It was dark ALL DAY...guessing your weather was similar. Enjoy Thanksgiving...this too will pass...or spring will eventually come? !!!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Shirley. I like your photo - I just got my iPhone 6 a week ago. Good for your daughter!

  4. Sorry to hear about your husbands work. I hope that things work out well and that the new year will bring all good things to you. xx

  5. Nice to hear someone managing a challenging situation & yes in the grand scheme of the world - we (most of us) do have many things to be grateful for - and sometimes it's all a matter of perspective. Congratulations on 1st college acceptance. We still have a couple of years before we tackle that fun!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about the employment issue. That's always worrisome. Like you, I often sit and think about how fortunate I am, especially as the weather changes and I am warm and dry in my home with food in the house. Sending good thoughts....
