Friday, October 17, 2014

While I Was in Chicago - Homecoming Happened

I'm interrupting the Black and White Days to post a couple photos of my kids and their high school's Homecoming. The Homecoming Dance happened to fall the night before the Chicago Marathon, so I got to witness things from afar. Thankfully, I have really great friends who serve as second parents to my kids - I don't worry when I have to be away.

And as a bonus, I get real time scoop via text:

Can you spot the big trend amongst boys right now? It's the bow tie! My son was very specific when we shopped for his Homecoming outfit - there had to be a bow tie. Now he owns two of them and even managed to tie it himself (YouTube saves the day again).

Then there is the sibling selfie, taken after I incessantly texted both the girl and the boy, requesting photos.
Matching Siblings

I hadn't seen my daughter's dress prior to this photo and without even trying, sister and brother are perfectly matched! How serendipitous! And their expressions are, well, just classic.

They had a great time at the dance and didn't burn the house down. We might survive this school year, yet.


  1. Ha ha! Love the bow tie trend & that they matched!

  2. They all look great don't they!! I hope they had a wonderful time. I am just catching up as I am so far behind reading blogs, just wanted to say though that your last two posts were really interesting too. I hope you are all recovered from the marathon as well. xx
