Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Sunset and Moonrise

What I saw while out walking this evening - the end of a perfect September day.

The sunset
Tequilla Sunset
I don't think I'll ever tire of sunsets (or sunrises) around here.

A Surprise
This is what my camera decided to Autofocus on while I was trying to shoot the sunset. Maybe my camera is smarter than me.

Another Surprise - the Moonrise
I See the Full Moon Arising
I wasn't even searching it out - and boom - there it was, this huge ball rising above the houses in the neighborhood. If I had been smarter, I would have been out along the prairie, watching for it. This is the lazy photographer's moonrise - and I'll take it - this time.

Did you see the Super Moon Rise last night?


  1. I was so tired last night, I didn't even step outside to see the moon rise. But when I woke up at 4 this morning, our entire living room was bright. I've not had success with taking shots of the moon and I'm not sure why, but I've just given up on my attempts. I'm better at other things :-)

  2. I too, like Denise, no longer attempt moon photos. Your lazy photos are better than the ones I spend lots of time on.

  3. These are really beautiful, Shirley!
    Our Super Moon has been pretty clouded over thus far. :-(

  4. We were hit with a similar "boom" to the eyes after photographing the sunset and beginning our journey home. The moon was incredibly huge the other night!
