Friday, September 12, 2014

The Friday Five

Five things I'm thinking about this Friday
  • It's our 22nd wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary, Scott!
Back in June
Not the best photo of the two of us, but the latest one I had on my phone - taken in June.

  • Since it's almost the middle of September, I really need to update my blog header! Maybe I'll work on that this weekend (instead of cleaning up the yard - wait, I really need to weed the garden, even though that 5 foot high thistle must really look impressive from the street).
  • It feels like Fall outside and I am not complaining - I'm breaking out some cozy leggings and boots for the football game tonight.
  • It's exactly one month until the Chicago Marathon. Those little aches and pains in my knee and ankles are calling out to me a little more. I've been mitigating / managing with increased stretching, foam rolling, strength exercises and acupuncture. Yes, I started acupuncture sessions in late July as a part of my "three pronged attack" on my ankle injury [The other two prongs - seeing a foot doctor who prescribed deep tissue massage and a physical therapy assessment]. A running friend recommended a local, very affordable acupuncturist and after the results I've seen, I am sold on the treatment. Here is some background on the practice of acupuncture:
The technique of acupuncture involves placing hair-thin needles in various pressure points (called acupoints) throughout the body. Stimulating these points is believed to promote the body's natural healing capabilities and enhance its function.
  • This week's excitement - yesterday, I took my son to the Doctor's office / clinic to have blood drawn to check for Varicella (Chicken Pox) immunity. The state of Illinois requires all incoming high school freshmen to have their Varicella vaccine / booster. My son was exposed to the chickenpox when he was 18 months old at daycare. We opted to give him the Varicella vaccine when we learned he had been exposed in an attempt to lessen / prevent the illness. He did break out into a half dozen small blisters, a very mild case. Because of this, a booster shot is not needed.
    I don't, however, have documentation of the confirmed case of the chickenpox, so a blood test is needed to satisfy the State requirement.
  • This was my son's first time having his blood drawn, and during the process, he passed out! The "Nurse Alert" was sounded in the clinic, and I watched as three nurses, one EMT and an administrator descended upon my son. I wasn't too freaked out as I have personally passed out at least three times (once after a weight lifting session in High school, once in a store and the third time during immunizations I had before traveling to China - I blogged about it here. Scott passed out after having blood drawn at work and in the same clinic as today's episode. I guess it runs in the family. I am thankful for the nurses' quick and thorough response. He won't be too keen to donate to the blood drive, though.

What's happening on your Friday?


  1. Oh my goodness, your poor son, but like you, I can identify with this, as it's happened to me too. :-(

    I wish you a very Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary. If you all are anything like my husband and me, sometimes it feels like you've been married forever (not necessarily in a bad way - its just so second nature). As for the acupuncture, I say if the treatment works, do it (provided it is legal) and there is some method to the madness of 'old school' medicine. I am glad to be done with the whole vaccination circus. We did the chicken pox thing with both kids, then Ryan was exposed in kindergarten and had a small (light) breakout. I bunked the two kids together hoping if we were going to go through it with one, we might as well get it over with the other. Allyson never took. And so on, and so forth and extra shots here and some precautions there. Oy!

    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Congrats - that´s a long time! :-)

    I´m guessing the Chicago marathon will be awesome, wish I could be there.

  4. I have been doing acupuncture for about a year and just discovered acupuncture through the ear. I'm totally convinced it works! I'm sorry for your son passing out! That poor dear!

  5. Congratulations. Good luck on the marathon. You've worked very hard and should be proud.
