Friday, September 26, 2014

The Friday Five - Summer Review

Bright Lights and Cityscapes
Summer Lights Up the Boston Skyline

With the official start of Autumn this past Tuesday, I thought it would be interesting to look back at the past summer.

  1. The weather - Again, I'm fixated on the weather. This summer's cooler than normal temperatures, coupled with ample rain was simply perfect. For the first summer ever, I didn't have to water the lawn!
  2. We moved our daughter's horse, Caesar, to a new barn, a great place that is much closer to our house (10 minutes away vs 30 minutes).
  3. I took my son and one of his friends to Boston and had a great time. I visited my parents, staying in their Plymouth home, probably for the last time (they plan to sell the house soon).
  4. I participated in a month long on-line yoga challenge, focusing on arm balances. I don't often mention my yoga pursuits here, and this challenge was just that - very challenging, but I a learned a ton. If you care to see the poses, head over to this set on my Flickr Stream.
  5. Even with the good, there was some sadness this summer. My good friend, Kellie, moved away, my violin teacher decided to stop teaching and I lost a running partner. But with each change, we grow and adapt. I am blessed by so much, regardless of the season.
Did you have a great summer?


  1. It is good to look back and reflect before you move on. On balance it sounds like a good summer for you even though there were some big changes too. I hope that the autumn is good for you. xx

  2. I love the idea of reflecting on the seasons. I looked at your Flickr series of the yoga arm balance challenges. Nice work! I used to be able to do so much more when I did Ashtanga yoga. Now I mainly do recovery/gentle yoga and can barely manage a headstand. I think when I'm done this training cycle I'd like to start back with Ashtanga again.

  3. An amazing picture of Boston and your yoga moves are beyond impressive. I like your positive look on change - it is true, even if we don't believe or feel it at the time of the change - with each one we grow and adapt.

  4. I´ve actually never tried yoga, I might one day though - it does look interesting. :-)

  5. I really liked your post about The Friday Five - Summer Review

  6. What great memories. I love the horse pics, of course I'm just thinking "how did she get up there without the saddle?" (not a horse expert here).
