Monday, September 29, 2014

Senior Photos - A Girl and Her Horse

A few "keepers" from this evening's photo shoot at the barn with my daughter.

We got there late, just as the sun was setting, so the light isn't the best. We should have arrived 30 minutes earlier, but some of these turned out OK - thank goodness for high ISO!

A Girl and Her Horse
I must have snapped 20 photos of her on Caesar, but this one was the only one remotely "decent". The moon and stars need to align perfectly - those who have horses know what we were up against in this field full of grass.

A Girl and Her Horse

A Girl and Her Horse

Then there are the outtakes.
I Like to Pant Sometimes

I've convinced her to have another session - this one will be in the early morning, so at least we won't be fighting the clock for light and I hope to get some nice golden morning light. Stay tuned!


  1. Oooh goodness - the last one cracked me up, so cute and fun! :-)

  2. I'm having trouble commenting...must be a setting on my computer...will try again. I think these photos are beautiful, even if the horse sticks his tongue out at the dwindling light!

  3. LOVE the outtake!! Great pics - even in challenging conditions. I'll be doing the same in 2 years.

  4. What a lovely young lady she is, Shirley, and these photographs are wonderful.

  5. I love the outtake one!!! That is so funny. Animals and children..... at least you only had the animals part to be concerned about. xx

  6. What great senior photos! Do you think that last is what Caesar thinks of having his portrait done?

  7. but oh that evening burn behind them (swoon) - I hear you on the earlier in the day on take 2 - but don't rule out the evening (thinking the horse might be a little less frisky later in the day too). Great first start (my son was so cooperative on Senior portraits - my daughter gave me 30 minutes one evening and Beautiful!
