Monday, September 22, 2014

Fifteen Years Young

Yesterday was the boy's fifteenth birthday. Oh, how fast the years pass!

From this little tyke (at seven days old!):
A Week Old

To this big guy:
Why Isn't He Playing?

The ideal birthday? Sleep in until noon, head over to your friends' house and play Minecraft for an hour, then head home for a round of golf with your Dad. After golf, play football with more friends, then go to dinner with friends.

Birthday Celebration #teenagelife
It's a tough life, isn't it?

My personal highlight of the day - unabashedly singing duets with him in the car after dropping off the last of his friends. It's one of our "mother - son" activities - we cue up the Glee Version of Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" and belt it out. He doesn't quite sing on key, and he doesn't care.

And neither do I.


  1. Happy Birthday to your son!! It sounds like a great day of celebrating. xx

  2. It sounds like both of you had a wonderful day.
    It's amazing how fast time goes by, isn't it????

  3. Love the singing duet tradition! Sounds like he had a great birthday.

  4. There is something extra special about a mom's friendship with her son - I personally think it is our way of passing on to them to honor and respect women and to view them as partners. They grow up fast and special moments in the car to and from (where ever) never get old.

    Happy Belated Birthday - he is really getting tall.
