Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sure Sign of Fall - Marching Band

My son starts high school this month and continues to play the saxophone, so he and his friends participated in Marching Band Camp last week. The week's work culminated in a performance of their official show.

I was an orchestra geek in high school, but had many friends in band, so while the whole marching band thing is familiar, I lack first hand experience. It looks very hard to play and march at the same time.

Playing and Crossing

Like most things, marching band has evolved over the years into a highly elaborate production. I don't think the term "drum line" existed 30 years ago. And if it did, it didn't exist at my high school.

The Riff
Totally cool! And my kids' band program offers guitar lessons to anyone who is interested. That is something I totally would have tapped into in my youth.

My son still needs to memorize his music....
Cross Over

We enjoyed the performance and can't wait to see them from the bleachers at Half Time!


  1. Love these shots! Remember many chilled fall mornings as a flutist out in the field in my marching band. Getting ready for those exciting football games

  2. Band nerd/geek/whatever here - after awhile you get familiar with playing and marching so it's not so hard (you also quickly memorize all your songs so you don't have to deal with sheet music). Good for your son - today's band is WAY different than 'back in the day' - our local band practices M-F from 7:00 a.m. - 5/6 p.m. from the first of August until school starts (now they probably start at some point in July since school starts on the 6th) - they also stay around 2 hours after school each day and compete each and every weekend through mid-November. Crazy dedication. Enjoy the shows - you will quickly learn first hand how hard the kids work to put them on for everyone's entertainment.

  3. You are so right, it must be very hard to march and play at the same time!!! Well done to your son though! xx

  4. Former marching band member here too & now mother to marching band member (at my old high school). I hope you have time in your schedule to volunteer with the band - they always need help - lots of equipment, uniform stuff, accessories. Lots of fun & lifetime friendships made - lots of work, sweating (in texas), perseverance too. Hope he is enjoying it. After the first 1/2 time performance he'll really appreciate those long days. Keep the pics coming! (We didn't have "drum line" either or pit/front ensemble. We had percussionists who marched in with the rest of us. I think I can still mark off 5 yards -- ha ha...although we marched military still (knees up high) & we called the current style of marching "dance bands" - this year I think our is literally dancing parts of the tango.
