Monday, August 25, 2014

First Day of School Photos - High Schoolers

The last time both kids attended the same school together, they were in elementary school.

Now it's high school for both, and I don't even have to drive them to and from - the girl has her license and a car, so little brother gets a free ride and mom gets some freedom.

The freshmen started a day earlier than the rest of high school, so I did take my youngest to his first day of high school. I don't think I could have not taken him, afterall, he's my baby!

Here he is on that first day. I don't think the cat would enjoy high school, although he looks pretty content at the moment....
 #firstdayofschool #siamese

The next day - we met the very specific time schedule my daughter outlined - photos at 7:30, leave the house by 7:40. She didn't raise a fuss about having her photo taken (you know, sometimes these teens are like "really, do you have to take my photo on the first day of school?" I think she may be getting sentimental on me...).

The boy was ready first, and this is what he wanted:
Ready to Go

Always the jokester:
Positive Thinking

Then there is my "darling daughter who I do not deserve":
Her Senior Year
OK, I know I'm her mother, but she really does look lovely here.

Sister and brother:
Both in High School

And the requisite silly photo:
I Don't Know What To Say

I hope they make the most of this school year - that they work hard, play hard, enjoy their friends and make great memories.


  1. They look happy! And may I say, what a pleasure to see a beautiful young lady all fresh faced and dressed so casually without all the fuss. You're right, she is lovely. And he's very handsome. I think you must have done a good job and probably deserve them both.

  2. Wonderful pictures and memories!! They both look like very happy lovely children! xx

  3. What beautiful children you have, Shirley.
    I hope their first day of school was wonderful.

  4. Great captures! Even kitty took a great photo!
