Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Scenes from the weekend:

Dramatic skies:
More Drama
Disclosure - taken Thursday evening, so not officially from the weekend, but close enough. One of my Facebook friends posted "Stop what you are doing and look outside at the sunset". I immediately got in my car and drove out to the park that overlooks the prairie. If I had walked, I would have missed the drama. This is the same Lone Tree I captured a couple weeks ago - it looks different today and has a friend...

The horses moved to new stable - this one is a lot closer and easier to get to.
Knee Deep
Caesar and Cody are checking out the new pasture by eating their way through it.

The new stable is owned by my daughter's trainer, and she has a wide assortment of horses, including two large draft horses - this one showed interest in my camera:
Hello Big Guy

Friend Heather came back to town for a weekend visit - that prompted an impromptu Sunday night cook out under starry skies and warm breezes. Great friends, food, wine, coupled with great conversations - life doesn't get any better.
Idyllic Weekend with Friends.

We followed up Sunday night with a Memorial day lunch cookout. I also turned 47 on Monday, surrounded by friends, both in real life and virtually via birthday wishes via email and facebook.
Love My #Friends #memorialday #happybirthday

Hope your weekend was as full as mine.


  1. Happy Birthday to you for Monday!! So glad that you had a nice time. Your photo of the sunset/tree is amazing!! xx

  2. Happy (belated) Birthday - that sunset is A.maz.Ing!
