Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tulips Galore

I can officially state I've been spoiled by the abundance of tulips in the house this year. I received not one, but two bouquets for Mother's Day - one from hubby (a nice surprise - he doesn't often buy me flowers, probably because in the past I've stated I didn't want them, but this year I secretly did), and one from sweet friend, Kellie (she must have sensed I needed them).

Today's photos are from Kellie's gift.

Mother's Day Bouquet
In addition to the flowers, you get a bonus - to see my kitchen sink and surrounding counters free of dirty dishes, glasses, water bottles and other "stuff". It's certainly not that clean right now...

I love how the morning light through the window creates a magical halo effect - layering beauty on beauty, if that could even be possible.

And a different perspective here - one that wants to stand out from the crowd.
Apart from the Crowd

I hope you see the simple beauty that surrounds you today.

1 comment:

  1. Your tulips are beautiful, and what lovely gifts. I love it when they grow off at funny angles and go their own way, in fact I think that is what I love most of all about tulips! xx
