Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spring Flowers and a Blog Tour

This weekend we were blessed with ample sunshine and most importantly, very little wind. When it's still outside, I grab my camera and capture those spring blooms before they fade away.




My blogger friend Susan Licht, recently invited me to take part in a virtual blog tour. I connected with Susan through a mutual blogger friend, Kyla Hunzinger via Flickr. Upon viewing her fantastic photos, I realized I recognized many of the places she frequented. We exchanged emails, and it turns out Susan lives in the town I grew up in - in Massachusetts. Her children attended the same High School I attended, and her son played in the same youth orchestra I played in. It still amazes me how small the world really is - we're all connected, if not by similar pasts, then at least by similar life experiences and passions.

For this blog tour we were asked to answer the following questions about our creative process.

1) what am i working on?
2) how does my work differ from others of its genre?
3) why do I write/create what i do?
4) how does my creative process work?

1) What am I working on?
What a loaded question.... The short answer - I am working on ME - to be a better person, a better friend, encourager, wife, mother, artist, runner, and contributor to this thing called life. Photography is but one avenue of many I employ for self improvement. The process of taking a photo forces me to slow down, observe and marvel even before clicking that shutter. Once the shutter is depressed, I've preserved a finite moment in time - one that won't repeat itself, and that is so satisfying, whether that moment exudes happiness or pain, serenity or discord. I am working on capturing emotions and memories - in order to grow and improve.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I attempt to capture the simple beauty I see and feel - I'm not sure if that sets my work apart! I am blessed to live on the flat prairie, where the sunrises and sunsets seem to go on forever, often with the most amazing cloud formations in the sky. There is an austere simplicity to it all that I am drawn to. Recently, I have been capturing what I see while I am out running - maybe that makes some of my work different.

3) Why do I write / create what I do?
Sometimes I write so I won't forget - I can be hopelessly sentimental, but looking back sheds perspective on my personal and creative journey. Other times I create because it makes me feel good, and hopefully in turn, makes others feel good.

4) How does my creative process work?
My philosophy - always live in the present, be observant, and be aware of the light around you. Always carry a camera and don't be afraid to use it. There may be times when you can't use your camera and that's OK - those times are for simply enjoying the moment.

As part of the blog tour, I get to introduce you to other artists I admire, and hopefully they will have time to answer the same questions posed to me.

Puna at Lifesignatures blogs about life, photography, food and family. We have a lot in common, including daughters obsessed (in a good way) with horses.

Tina at Tinajo at Home, lives in Sweden and I've had the privilege of meeting her in real life. She blogs about her little rascals and things that strike her fancy.

My blog's sidebar lists numerous blogs filled with inspiration and photographic beauty - places I routinely visit. I hope you will take time to visit them, too.


  1. I enjoyed reading this. A few weeks ago I met my first blog friend in real life...she lives in Iowa and has grown children living 10 minutes from me...very fun!
    PS I am working on ME too... (o;

  2. Nice to learn some new things about you, Shirley! Someday we must meet in person!
