Saturday, April 26, 2014

Two Years in The Making

My Running Future is Fuzzy
My Uncertain Running Future
This morning culminates a two year journey of waiting, working, surgery, determination, rehab, uncertainty, disappointment, tears, joy, laughter, pain, elation, the highs and lows I've experienced while getting to the start line of running a marathon.

Two years ago, derailed by an injury, I was very disappointed - almost bitter - on race day and was looking for any sign (namely the weather) that screamed "this wasn't supposed to be your year anyways so look to the future". But the weather that day, cool, with a slight mist in the air was perfect for running. I had to just take it on faith that the right time would come. I wondered how things might have been only-if or what-if I had done something different, something to prevent that injury.... Then I consider what that injury has led to - I started swimming, I started yoga and through these circumstances, connected with people who would play important roles in today's race.

And then I consider my schedule. This year has been ideal for the "Long Run" training on Saturdays. Looking back at the previous two years, Saturdays were filled with soccer and chauffeur duties. That all changed this year as my daughter now drives herself to the horse stable and she's no longer playing soccer. I've had ample time to devote to running on the weekends.

If I fail miserably today, I'll attempt not dwell on the only-ifs or what-ifs - those only-ifs in our lives lead down a path of fantasy. It is far better for us to embrace the current circumstances in our lives and move forward.

I realize now that two years ago, it indeed wasn't the right time.
Today isn't two years late, it's right on time.

Packed up and ready to go. #shirleyruns #illinoismarathon


  1. Shirley - best of luck! I'm thinking of you (as I enjoy a visit to the desert). It's all about the experience and what we learn from it.

  2. Best of luck and "Run Shirley, Run!" I admire your attitude, insight, and determination. You can not lose - you've made it to the race - and that is a 'win'.

  3. Hi there, just catching up. I hope that the run goes/went really well for you and that you do a well as you possibly can. Take care and well done!! xx

  4. What a beautiful post Shirley... It's most difficult when we're right in the middle of the what-ifs... but a story like yours can plant us steady in faith. Congratulations again!! What a wonderful example for your children :)
