Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My So Called Spring Break Life

It's no different from any other week in my So Called Life, except that all my friends have left town...

OK, I guess there are other differences - the kids are off from school, which means mornings before work have less "edge" to them - there are no kids to wrangle / beg / threaten out of bed, no mad dashes out the door, through traffic, bridge closures and alternate routes to school. No breakfasts to hurry through - there's just me, leisurely preparing for a day of work.

So subsequently, I've arrived late to work this entire week. With nothing to propel me towards a deadline, I lollygag while preparing the coffee or tea, I play with the cat, I read my email, I edit the photos I've taken on my morning run and lose track of time.

My running friends have been emailing me photos of their Spring Break adventures, filled with green and tropical scenery.
Costa Rica

OK, so one of them is visiting New Jersey, which is no greener than the mid west, but at least he got out of town.
Lake Carnegie

Speaking of leaving town, my daughter left this morning for a two day ski / snowboarding adventure.

So it's just me, my son, and the cats holding down the home fort. There's a fresh coat of snow on the brown grass this morning. If we're lucky, it might get above freezing today.

I did have a nice run in yesterday and caught the most amazing sunrise. I was sprinting when the red clouds caught the corner of my eye and I stopped immediately (much to the chagrin of my legs). Because such scenes are too fleeting not to stop for.
Stopped Me Dead in My Tracks #seenonmyrun #sunrise #red
Yeah, it was 100 times better in real life.

Friend Jill gets back tonight, and we've planned a day trip to Chicago later in the week. So while my Spring Break hasn't been warm or tropical, it will be a break from the normal routine.