Friday, March 7, 2014

My Random Friday

1. I finally upgraded my Lightroom software from Version 4 to Version 5 and applied all the subsequent V5 patches. I was reluctant to upgrade due to speed / performance issues with my current PC. I am happy to report the upgraded version runs faster than the old one. Of course, I expect Adobe to announce Version 6 any day now.

2. I have a serious problem buying new workout clothes and gear. Granted, I am running in all sorts of terrible conditions (that's my excuse on the running purchases - there's no excuse for the new yoga stuff I've bought!) but I really need to curb the purchases. Of course, warmer weather is right around the corner....

3. I am officially registered to run the local marathon. Just six months ago, I resigned myself that I might not ever achieve this goal and was at peace with that - after all, there is so much more to life than just a race. Of course, now that is six weeks away, I will be unhappy if it slips out of my grasp.

4. I put it all into perspective and I realize I am extremely blessed. A co-worker's wife was recently diagnosed with a wide spread cancer. This radiant, 40 year young mother of two beautiful girls is starting the fight of her life - and she is fighting with such a positive outlook, you can't help but admire her strength. If you would pray or send good thoughts to Erika K, I know she will feel them.

5. Today's foggy start was perfect for my early commute to work. Next week, we'll see the sunrise one hour later and I'll miss that view during the morning's run, but it will come again in time.

Today's Random Photo - Today's foggy sunrise - with this photo I discovered one of my photo editing apps has a watermark function - a serendipitous find!
Shrouded #fog #goodmorning #squaready #road #sunrise


  1. Shirley, you would laugh at what I run in... thrift store layers. :) But no one but the birds see me (and maybe a wayward driver on the road), so who cares? Have fun with your shopping -- and I agree with embracing each day as if it were your last. Because it might be.

  2. I´ll keep Erika in my thoughts, cancer bloody sucks! :-( I hope you´ve had a great weekend!

  3. I still have Lightroom 5 sitting on my desk waiting to be downloaded to my new and all but unused iMac . . . I've promised myself that after tax season is over I'm going to indulge in a few weeks of "play".

    And I completely understand your thoughts on that marathon. I had planned on running my first one last fall, but injuries happen. So I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that this is my year. It's now or never and we'll see where it goes from here. I'm SO VERY proud of you and I want you to know that I'll be cheering you on every step of the way! I plan on "virtually" being at the finish line to give you a high five! You are AWESOME and inspire me every day.
