Friday, March 28, 2014

End of March Randomness - Like a Lion

The winds are howling tonight as we enter the last days of March. I think it came in like a Lion and will leave that way, too, hopefully ushering in warmer days. It's been a long winter and a cold start to Spring. I know I sound like a broken record when I say I am tired of the cold and the snow.

Here's the Random Start of my weekend:
1. It's Friday and I'm taking a day off from work to head to Chicago with friends. We plan to visit the Art Institute, maybe experience the glass ledge at the Skydeck, and of course do a little shopping.

2. I'm presently reading two books. I've been making my way slowly through the epic "Shantaram" by Gregory David Roberts. It is so complex and lush, I find I can only read it in spurts, so I added in some lighter reading as a counterbalance. The lighter book is "Mile Markers: The 26.2 Most Important Reasons Why Women Run" by Kristen Armstrong. Both books are thoroughly enjoyable in completely different ways.

3. My son and I caught the movie, "Divergent" in the theatre last weekend. I thought it was better than the book (which I found so predictable, I merely skimmed the 2nd half).

4. I finally ordered replacement blinds for two of our bedrooms. The guest bedroom's blinds have never worked properly - when guests visit (usually my mother in law), I hang a bed sheet over the window. Yeah, we're classy.... I imagine she won't know what to say the next time she visits!

5. Sugar free cake mix is nasty. We bought it by mistake. Next time I'll read the label more carefully.

This week's random photo - Since my friend was so happy to see his photo from Costa Rica in my Spring Break post, I'm featuring another one he took
The River bed

Have a great weekend!


  1. I purchased a sugar free pie once by mistake and it too was pretty horrible tasting. I think we each had one slice, as I recall, and we put it in the trash.

  2. I hope you enjoyed your day in the city.
    Lovely photo

  3. I hope Chicago warms up a bit for your trip. I sent a summer in Costa Rica as an exchange student in collage. Beautiful country. I did not know there was such as thing as sugar free cake! Can't image that it would be good.

  4. Thanks for the heads up on the cake mix.
    And congrats to your daughter's achievement (which I read in your twitter feed.) That's awesome! xo

  5. Did you say "hello" to Chicago from me..?! I miss that city, it bums me a bit that I can´t see it this year since I´m taking my son to Washington DC instead. Maybe next year...
