Friday, February 28, 2014

The End of February - Random Five

My Five Random Things for the End of February

  1. I ran a total of 117 miles in February. I think that is a record high for me, and all my runs were completed outside. I'm lucky to have several groups of people to run with, because I would never be able to gut it out alone.
  2. Looks like March will enter in like a Lion. Lots of snow predicted for Sunday, then more frigid temperatures.
  3. The Girl Scout Cookies I bought have been duly scarfed down by my teenaged children. I guess if I want some, I'll need to hide the box.
  4. I received a service advisory from Nikon this week concerning the D600 DSLR (the camera I use). In this advisory, Nikon partially acknowledges the issue with spots on the camera sensor, claiming the spots are caused by "dust" (eye-roll here - the most likely culprit is lubricant). Even though my camera was repaired in September, I plan to recheck the quality of my images for sensor spots. If you own a D600, Nikon will service and repair (replacing the shutter mechanism) for free, even if the warranty has expired.
  5. Friday's are really nice. There's morning yoga class (today's featured a killer sunrise), no child transport responsibilities (early band practice carpool) and I get to wear jeans to work (my self imposed casual Friday - in all honesty, I could wear jeans every day of the week - I choose to limit it to Fridays).

This week's random photo. We're starting to encounter daylight during the morning runs. I'll enjoy it for one more week before we're hit with a time change and plunged back into morning darkness.
Coming into The Light #run #road #sky #goodmorning #morningruns

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it, but nobody has approached me about Girl Scout cookies this year! Congrats on your running mileage - esp since you've had to brave frigid weather. Have a great weekend.
