Friday, February 21, 2014

Random Thoughts This Friday

1. I'm kicking myself because I chose not to take a photograph this week - a beautiful run into the sunrise. I can still see it in my mind's eye. Next time, I won't hesitate.

2. Even if the air temperature is above freezing, that doesn't mean there isn't ice on the ground. On Wednesday, I slipped and fell on the ice for the second time this winter. Then I hit a patch of black ice on the way to work and nearly hit another car. Thankful the snow is really melting away now.

3. I read somewhere "you can't train a cat". So true - no matter how many times I squirt the cat with water from the spray bottle, he keeps jumping up on the kitchen table. The cat also likes to eat butter and cheese and I'm not quite diligent about covering that stuff up when it is out.

4. The Amaryllis I bought four years has sent up its annual bud. If I remember to water it, it might actually bloom this year (last year was a bit of a disaster - I didn't keep up with watering it and the cat knocked the flower stem down before it had any chance).

5. Our Book Club will be discussing The Husband's Secret on Saturday - I am hosting and I am sure there will be a good discussion. I [actually] read the book, enjoyed it and then thought about the secrets I've withheld from my family (plenty with the kids) and husband (I'm sure there may be one or two).

And this week's random photo - snapped as I took an alternate route to work this week. Sometimes change gives you a new perspective.
Prairiescape #snow #barn


  1. I hope that you are alright after falling over and that the snow and ice goes soon so that you don't have any more mishaps. Hope that you have a good weekend. xx

  2. Lovely shot as you took your alternate route to work. What fun to be in a book club!

  3. Anyone who claims to hold no secrets is not being honest with themselves - I think it is essential to tranquility and peace provided the secrets are not "bad" secrets. We have finally rid ourselves of the snow - but it has come at a cost: flooding. Just can't find that happy medium.

    Very pretty farm scene.

  4. @ Nicki - You state the truth! I'm sure I withhold secrets from myself, too.

  5. Sometimes change gives you a new perspective. Love that:)
    Sorry about the fall and the scare ice is nasty be careful Your cat well good luck sorry I am not lucky with cats listening to me either. Great shot. B

  6. Our cat ate butter too! And now I have a little grandson that likes to pick off flower blooms if I'm not quick enough...our snow is melting, but I took a fall in the driveway this week...and I was glad that my camera was safe on the counter in the kitchen! Come on spring!

  7. It's good to change a usual route once in a while. Your cat eating butter on the table, is akin to my dog always sleeping on the sofa - no matter how many times we yell at her to stay off the furniture, she knows what she likes. But, I don't mind some hair on the sofa, whiskers in the butter is unacceptable. :)

  8. I've come to the conclusion that cat's are always in charge, they allow us to live in their presence. Of course, i could never live without them. I learned the hard way about hesitating taking a photo. After missing so many opportunities I have now learned to get my phone and take the shot. So glad to hear you are okay.

  9. Beautiful shot! Lovely post.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  10. Ouch, I hope you wasn´t too hurt by the fall! Have a great beginning of next week! :-)

  11. I hold that we all deserve to have a few secrets we keep to ourselves -- nothing wrong with that as long as no one is hurt in the process.

    I see lots of things at sunrise and sunset that I just don't have time to take a photo of -- and yes, that does bother me at times. :)

  12. Love the randomness and can relate to the car and ice. Beautiful pic.
