Tuesday, February 18, 2014

In the Snow Globe

It feels like we're in a perpetual snow globe - yesterday, the precipitation that fell from the sky included huge snow flakes, granular hail, freezing rain and some actual rain. There was lightening and thunder, too.

While I am admittedly tired of the snow, slush, and all the cold we've endured this winter, I couldn't help but marvel at the pretty, soft flakes falling from the sky as I drove around town. I decided to stop and go for an impromptu photo walk along one of the numerous trails that weave alongside the local slough.


I run with a group on Sunday mornings, and we often take this trail. It winds along the water's edge, away from the road traffic and keeps us sheltered from the wind - I often want to stop and capture it, but that would interrupt the flow of the run. Today was a perfect time to capture its essence.

The Running Trail #snow #snowglobe
Winter's Calm

To the Right

Shared with Tuesdays Around the World. Hoping this is the last snow of the season, but I'm not holding my breath!


  1. It looks so peaceful when it hasn't been disturbed with any traffic.

  2. Glad that you can still find some inspiration in all that snow Shirley -- the mallard is spectacular! xo

  3. It seems as though you have been having snow constantly since about October now. I find it amazing that you can still find the beauty in it after all this time and all the difficulties that the snow must have caused. I hope for you that it is the last snow of the season and that spring will come soon for you. xx

  4. it really does feel like being in a snow globe. Perfect analogy, Shirley.
    And we're back in it again today. :-(
    It really has been very pretty, but I'm a bit weary of it now.

    These are such lovely scenes that you have captured. I especially love the duck.

    Happy day to you!

  5. These are beautiful! Although I truly enjoy your winter pictures I'm very happy to be back in the 70s for daytime highs. Hope some our warmth makes its way to you soon!

  6. I know that this crazy non-stop winter weather has had most of us moaning at one point or another - but you can't argue with the striking beauty of it all. Fabulous pictures.

  7. I'm in Denver for a few days and your description sounds like what we had last night. Hope it melts in time for your run.
