Monday, January 6, 2014

So Cold

Winter Impressions at minus 14 #deepfreeze2014 #frost #outmywindow
Frost on the Sliding Glass Back Door - Winter's Impression

The first major storm of 2014 hit yesterday and we are literally snowed in. With yesterday's snow and high winds, the roads became impassable and all the Interstates, highways, city roads and county roads were closed down last night. Other than the Blizzard of '78 (in Massachusetts), I don't recall any circumstance that has led to the complete closure of "All Roads" in town.

The Polar Funnel has also put us in a deep freeze - it's -15 degF outside and with the winds blowing at 25mph, we are experiencing dangerously low wind chills - down to -45 degF and therein lies the greater threat of getting stranded in a vehicle that's gone off the icy road. Pretty much everything is closed - county offices, libraries, gyms, schools, health clinics, churches, many retail establishments. I haven't left the house in a car since Saturday....

I did, however, manage to get a short run in Sunday morning, just as the snow started to fall in earnest.
The weather wasn't really too bad - in the high 20's, with a light coating of snow on the ground. But I misread the wind and didn't don the proper protective gear and out in the open, running into the wind was simply painful. But nestled within the protection of the trees, the view was quite beautiful.
Crazy Morning Run #snow #wind
Now I wish I had run further, because it might not be until Wednesday before I can get a road run in.

For my local friends - stay warm and safe!


  1. It's so cold there... why, I'm surprised the Internet didn't crack and break! LOL Cold here too, but not as bad as your place.

  2. Oh Shirley, surely too cold to be out running!!!! Hope that you stay safe and warm. Take care. xx

  3. I´ve heard that it´s really cold and difficult over there, take care!

  4. Gorgeous shot! but can't say that I envy you that frigid weather. Makes me want spring just looking at your shots

  5. We had the massive snow last week, and tomorrow arrives the bitter cold. Looks like it will be a couple of days before I will be out running too. :-(

  6. Oh my gosh, you went out for a run? You are dedicated. Winter definitely makes for pretty photos but I would rather enjoy yours than take my own :-)
