Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday's Random Post

1. Happy Chinese Lunar New Year! It's now the year of the Horse. And not just any Horse, but the Wood Horse. I was born in the year of the Fire Goat and because the Wood element "nurtures" the Fire element, I am expected to "have a good year". Yeah, we'll see....

2. It's currently snowing. Again. There's a rumor that my area will see a significant snowfall Tuesday night.

3. I'm running a 4 day training session next week for work and have 9 people flying in this weekend to attend. The potential snowfall on Tuesday could make things very interesting.

4. Seahawks or Broncos? We are partial to horses around here (and it IS the year of the Horse), and hubby is a big Peyton Manning fan, so Broncos it is.

5. I'm really just into Superbowl Sunday because of the commercials and fun socializing at my friend's house.

Random Photo to go with today's post:
Glimmer #run #snow #sunrise
Last Saturday morning's run through (you guessed it) fresh snow. The actual scene was prettier than my capture - there's something magical about the golden sun on sparkly snow.


  1. Your photo is very pretty, so I can just imagine how amazing it was in real life. My son in law will be happy to hear it is the year of the horse, he is rooting for the Bronco's. I personally am not much of a football person but decided to root for the Seahawks so my son in law has someone to even out the noise on Sunday....LOL
    Have a great weekend

  2. Hopefully Chicago, with its vast experience in dealing with incumbent weather, will handle the added snow better than Atlanta and there will be no hiccups with your training session. I am now curious with what year I was born in and how it correlates with the horse. And you are so right about the beauty of the sun on the crisp snow - I think it is the combination of contradictions (warmth/cold). Enjoy your weekend.

  3. do folks usually say "Happy New Year" - or does it go by another wording? i wish you all the best. ( :

    i hope you are enjoy the view. the snowy view. take lots of pics. it is suppose to get warmer today ... even the 50's i think?! we will see.

  4. I hope that your work thing goes alright with all that snow! xx

  5. Stay warm and enjoy the snow that comes. Happy New Year.
