Friday, January 10, 2014

First Week of January's Randomness

It's my first Random Five Friday post - after reading all the random stuff from my blog friends, I thought, eh, what the heck, I'll join in....

1. The pond heater and pump survived the polar vortex. From Monday through Wednesday, I wasn't so sure about it all - the pond was completely frozen, and I wasn't about to go check things out.

2. It's a Spa Day today, with friend, Jill.

3. Even though I took a vacation day from work and could have slept in until past 7, I still hauled myself out of bed this morning at 4:40 to work out. Yes, I have been called insane.

4. The horses weathered Sunday's storm and subsequent bitter cold. I was so concerned about them - sure they were sheltered on 3 sides, but it was SO cold. You can't help but think about the animals in such severe weather.

5. Cats make the best blankets.

Louie on My Lap this Morning, helping Me Work #siamese #louiethelooster #cat

Enjoy your Friday!


  1. Welcome to Random 5 Friday. I hope you are thawing out after the extreme cold. It was chilly and damp and windy here yesterday, although I didn't want to say anything because of course we aren't in the Polar Vortex. Thought I might upset someone :-)

  2. A spa day sounds wonderful! I hope you enjoy it!

  3. Glad that your animals are OK, I can understand how worried you must have been about them in the cold. Not nice for them at all, and although you can bring cats in, a horse is a lot harder to stash away in your living room! Not sure that I could bear to get up that early on a day off!! xx

  4. I hate the cold weather and the poor animals having to be outside. I grew up with an outside dog, when it was really cold she got to stay in the barn.

  5. Goodness, 4.40 AM?! That sure is early, not sure I could do that - though I´m pretty sure I could go to sleep at that hour since I´m a night owl..! :-D

  6. Happy you decided to join in Shirley... and that your pond and horses weathered the sub-freezing temps. Have an awesome weekend! xo

  7. Cats make the best blankets... Love that one :)

  8. Hope you're enjoying a warm(er) weekend Shirley! I marvel at how you got up so early to work out - on a vacation day! Wish I could get myself to do the same... perhaps the call of the Spa inspires such insanity ;)

  9. Glad all survived that nasty cold front and I completely understand your concern for the horses and all outdoor animals during extreme weather conditions. How telling was it that my husband texted me in California to assure me that he had taking more blankets and towels to reinforce my make-shift shelter for the neighbor's kitties. (he had also set out several bowls of food and fresh water for them in my absence).
