Sunday, January 19, 2014

Back to [Grade] School

You can always go back to the school you attended, but what about going back to your kids' old school? I haven't been back to my kids' elementary school since they promoted up to Middle school. My opinion - if you don't have business to be there, you might just be a creepy adult possibly checking out the little children.

But I got to go back last week - on official business - I was contacted by one of the teachers to take photos of the physical building improvements. Since my kids left three years ago, renovations have transformed parts of the building - so much so, I almost got lost trying to check into the main office area.

What hasn't changed is the learning spirit and creativity of the kids who attend.
The Sink is New and I had to Feature it Somehow

Masks made by third graders

My favorite little model happened to be in the classroom I was featuring.
She Picked Clifford
Bonus - she picked a Clifford Book - Great choice!

My own kids went through the photos and marveled at the improvements - there are cool computer stations in each classroom. And cool cushy chairs.
Computer Station

Several fifth graders are working on a Rube Goldberg machine and I got to witness some of the construction.
Construction Time

The weirdest thing about going back to a school your kids previously attended - you are no longer referred as "Little Johnny's Mom". Instead I was introduced by my full name and given the title "the Photographer". It felt a bit odd at first, but I guess it was accurate.

I always remembered going back to my elementary school and thinking it seemed smaller than I remembered it. My kids say the same thing now of their old schools. I guess it always feels so much bigger when you are there.


  1. Love those cushy chairs, and the masks are wonderful. So much creativity at that age.

  2. My school closed many years ago and no longer exists, so no going back for me! It is funny when you do return to somewhere from your childhood how it always seems so small isn't it!! xx

  3. For several years after my children got into high school, they would sign up to volunteer at the elementary school carnival (for vol. hour credit) and it was a treat for me to return. Thing is - after my youngest promoted to middle school, they tore down the old building and built a new one. As a member of the planning committee, former PTO President, and Yearbook photographer - I was invited to the grand opening, but family matters prevented me from attending. Needless to say - when we returned for the carnival I was totally lost - but the energy was still there. Thank heaven for the power of the desire to learn and the enthusiasm to educate at that level.

  4. I would imagine if I were to visit my kids' old elementary school, much would have changed. That was, umm, 20 some years ago!
