Sunday, December 29, 2013

Where are You Going?

Where have you been?

In Formation

We get a lot of that sort of question this time of year. Reflect upon the past year. Set goals for the coming year.

As if we can't set goals any other time.

OK, that was kind of harsh ... so maybe you have picked up that I am not a big fan of the end of December / beginning of January resolutions / fresh year, fresh start thing.

For me, each day is a fresh start. Don't wait until January 1 to make whatever change or resolution you think you should make. Do it today.


Leaving you with a video of one of my favorite songs this time of year. December, performed live by Sara Bareilles. The sound quality is a little rough at times, but I still love it.

Lyrics at the bridge:
Distill a whole year down into a day
Act like we all start over with a pristine slate
But to get yourself a new life you've got to give the other one away
And I'm starting to believe in the power of a name
Cause it can't be a mistake if I just call it change

Go, change today. I'll even go and change my blog's header!


  1. I agree that there is no time like the present to make a change... but I also appreciate intentional long-term planning for the coming year.

  2. I hope that you have a great 2014, for any reason, no reason or any reason that you are making a change - or not!! xx

  3. Absolutely!

    Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.

  4. Enjoy the beginning of next year, with or without changes! :-)

  5. Oh I love to see geese in their V formation, always makes me smile... I agree with you on making every day (or moment) an opportunity for change :) Have a wonderful 2014!
