Monday, December 16, 2013

First Snow Ramblings

Our first snow (maybe two inches) fell over a week ago, but was then overshadowed by last Friday night's big dump of eight inches.

We awoke to this winter wonderland, the view of our backyard:

So Pretty Outside #winterwonderland #snow

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?
J. B. Priestley

My good neighbor, Bob, plowed all the driveways in our cul-de-sac Friday night, around midnight, but come Saturday morning it was as if he hadn't done a thing. Instead of my usual Saturday morning run, I shoveled out the driveway. I know I would have enjoyed a nice run through the softly falling snow more, but eight inches of the fluffy stuff is really hard to get through. Now, if I had a pair of cross country skis, that would have been perfect.

The heavy snow has also given my daughter valuable lessons on how to drive in white stuff - perhaps experiences she would rather not repeat. Somehow, she has managed to find herself off the road in a ditch twice. In both instances, she was pulled out by nice people. I just hope her ditch finding days are over!

Any snow in your neck of the woods?


  1. Your garden looks beautiful! I hope that your daughter stays safe with her driving and you too of course. I expect that your snow shovelling was as much exercise as your run normally is! It is hard work moving snow isn't it. xx

  2. All we had was some mess, cold sleet and rain. I'll take snow any day rather than the sleet. Love your photo and can't wait for some snow here! Learning to drive in snow can be tricky..... hope she stays safe!

  3. Wow, it does look amazing - so gorgeous! :-)

  4. A beautiful sight - even more so when you don't have to drive in it. Glad your daughter's experiences were of the non-serious type. Had a bit of wintery driving with our son the past week - everything to him: "no big deal". Gray hairs - I can't keep up with them since he started driving - oy!

  5. Lovely shot of your yard, and that first snow, especially around the Christmas time, is so beautiful! Nothing quite like it. Texas missed the snow, but we had a ice storm which pretty much closed our area for business for 3 days. Back to 60 degrees today which is just perfect for me! HOping that winter is over here!

  6. Living in New England driving is a challenge for even the experienced drivers. Hope your daughter's winter driving keeps her safe. Slow and steady will get you where you need to go..I love the photo of your backyard. Winter isso pretty...
